
We’ve all been there before…

…thinking about going to your first meeting, but the fear of walking into a room of strangers when we feel broken can feel overwhelming. No one walks in to their first meeting with their life put together. Ever. 

What we’ve found is that NA meetings are full of a family we never knew we had. You aren’t alone. 

The following stories are from local Nashville NA members. Our hope is that they encourage you to meet us at a meeting to experience the gift of recovery. 


My name is Althea and I’m an addict. Life was hard for me growing up and I struggled to feel like I fit in. I started using as a preteen, with more socially acceptable drugs but I was quickly swept away by the escape that the less socially acceptable drugs

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Living my best life and recovery every time I come to the fellowship and stay clean my life always improves every single time. So I did 90 and 90 and I got a Home Group got a sponsor worked the 12 steps do service work. Life is good. Keep coming

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I went to treatment because I couldn’t stop using drugs on my own, no matter what I tried. In treatment I was taken to my first Narcotics Anonymous meeting. I was amazed at what I found there; the room was filled with people who were telling my same story of

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I started using when I was very young. Both of my parents are addicts and had no recovery so when I was younger, drugs were just a part of my life and it seemed natural. As time went on, it just got worse and worse until I was completely broken.

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I’d attended many meetings before I got clean but would not try complete abstinence. I looked for the easier, softer way for years and found nothing but a progressing addiction. The meeting I attended that made all the difference was in 1987 at a rehab . It was chaired by

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Hey everybody! I quickly wanted to share a portion of my story since my clean date was recently! Nov 1 2004, 19 years ago! I’ve been clean longer than I used pretty awesome! I thought I’d die out there using. My using was during my teenage years, growing up around

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Thirteen years ago, I was homeless. I was strung out. I was broken. I was empty. I didn’t want to kill myself, but I also didn’t care to live. Thirteen years ago, I made a cry to God. Multiple drug felonies. No driver’s license. Living in a homeless shelter. I

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The first NA meeting I attended, that I wanted to attend was in Madison TN on a Tuesday. The shock to me was that people were smiling and laughing. I had not heard true laugher in so long. I was amazed that people could be happy without drugs. I thought

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